Thursday 22 September 2011

Flying Car to be Launched as Soon as 2011 for a Price Under $200K

Ever since the cartoon "The Jetsons" first aired people wondered when the first flying car would launch. It may be sooner than you think. Terrafugia, Inc, held a public launch of their flying car and want to launch the vehicle/aircraft sometime around 2011. They say it will be priced at about $193,000.
“This breakthrough changes the world of personal mobility. Travel now becomes a hassle-free integrated land-air experience. It’s what aviation enthusiasts have been striving for since 1918,” says Carl Dietrich, CEO of Terrafugia.
The flying car can drive at highway speeds and can top out at about 115 MPH through the air. Below is the video of the first flight of the aircraft/motor vehicle.

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